On A Limb by Lewis Truman Elliott

Go out on a limb

For once, actually believe you matter

This one time, negative isn’t a factor

For all you know, it’s beautiful here-after.

Usually, you worry.

Usually, it’s bad.

There isn’t any hurry, so why not stay glad.

Why not keep what you had.

You were fine just 10 minutes ago.

What happened?


It doesn’t matter now.

All that matters is when you’ll take your final bow and when you do

Will it be for your performance of life, or your performance of


Will you hold on for the sweet taste of doubt, or will you

experience the spice of possibility

Will you go out on a limb?

Gloomy Colorless Days by Jackie Treadway

The air smells damp

The sun is hidden away

between the clouds

What grey sorrowful clouds

Letting Go by Jackie Treadway

it’s hard letting go of the past

but some things were never meant to last

one day i’ll bury the emotions

of ever holding you so dear

it took me a long time to realize

i was holding onto nothing

Blank Face by Jackie Treadway

your blank stares

leave me wondering


i wonder if i was too damn


for communication

for inspiration

for admiration

maybe i wanted your hands

to gently caress my body

like a sculptor does his art

Night Driving by: Tess Perdue

The stars are closer

In this moment.

The line 

Between earth and infinity

Is blurred, abolished. 

This inky blackness

Envelops, only broken  

By the cruel falling stars

Of headlights.

My hands – 

Are they truly

Connected to reality? 

I cannot feel anything,

Floating in the infinite abyss

Of nighttime solitude

Except my beating heart

And the hum of the engine.

Omniscience Beyond Knowing by: Blake Hawkins

How can we comprehend how He sees to the end?

Created for a glimpse of perfection just to see it end.

The tree promised life but only bred strife;

all at once the care of sin bore death in

which ravaged, pillaged, and plundered our condition.

Curses came, and Eden ended.

With God, we walked no more.

We toiled and worked and became sore.

Both Physically and Spiritually

we longed for continuity.

Water weakened, but still sin remained.

Through Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon

God’s people still lived on, 

searching for the One to end strain.

So that both body and mind might find relief.

Messiah was mistaken, but death was damned.

Though death causes separation, it now gives a choice

to live and let lie or to take up a cross.

The call for evangelism’s voice

rises for all to hear.

God’s plan from the first

is now coming into fulfillment.

Clutter: To Be Free Of It by: Rev. Dr. Keith L. Marsden

My downstairs closet needs attention this year So much clutter that little can be found

Move some things to other places and it only seems to move the clutter around

Moving around is not moving forward is there a place or should some of it be lost

After all if not used in a year then I should toss it out give it away for there is no cost.

Minds work similar to closet cleaning, they tend to displace that which is no longer used.

We humans tend to hang on tenaciously to things not needed, words spoken the wrong way.

Jesus taught to drop our silly arguments, our passive ways of revenge so joy comes to the soul

Buddha taught to do right work, right living, right thinking, and our minds will clear.

No matter the jargon of any religion, philosophy, or spirituality (jargon is its own kind of clutter)

The great ones of the past: Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Rumi, and many more than to mention

Are those great guides who lead us into that which is beyond, helping us listen to self being the

Gentle sweepers with the broom that truly helps us free ourselves of our own mind’s Clutter.